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The Damper Dilemma: Signs Your Fireplace Damper Needs Repair

Your damper is a crucial part of a functional and efficient fireplace. When used correctly, the fireplace damper stops cold air from entering the fireplace when it is not in use and opens a path for the smoke to vent up through the chimney when a fire is burning. A damaged or missing damper can lead to a number of issues with the fireplace. Let’s talk about spotting damper damage and steps to a solution.

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Is the Damper Open or Closed?

The first step to identifying a damaged damper is to make sure your damper is open or closed at the proper times. It may seem simple enough, but it’s a commonly made mistake! Always check to make sure your damper is closed when the fireplace is not in use and open when it is.

Common Damper Issues

The Damper is Off Track

If your damper has gotten off its proper placement, it may be disrupting the flow of smoke or creating a gap allowing cold drafts to enter the fireplace. 

Cold Drafts

If your damper is broken or missing it can allow cold drafts into your fireplace through the chimney compromising its heating abilities and the lifespan of leftover heat from the fire you recently burned.

Damper Won’t Open/Close

If a damper is damaged it may lose the ability to open or close using the pull system. If a damper won’t open it is not safe to use your fireplace because smoke will not be able to escape and will back up into your space. If a damper won’t close this will negatively impact the efficiency of your fireplace and allow cold air into your space.

Broken or Missing Damper

When a damper is broken or missing your chimney is vulnerable to cold air drafts and other potential damage. 

Repairing Your Chimney Damper

If you suspect or you’ve discovered that your damper is in fact broken or missing, it’s time to call in the pros for an inspection to assess the best solution for your fireplace dilemma. Here’s our best tips for repairing your chimney damper!

Remove Debris

Cleaning your chimney and fireplace is the first step in repairing your chimney damper. Any debris or creosote build-up can block the damper and create some of the common issues many fireplace owners face when it comes to dampers.

Remove the Damper Plate

To locate and remove your damper plate you’ll need to look up into your chimney through the fireplace once it is not in use and has completely cooled. There will be a rod connected by a nut to the chimney. You’ll need to loosen the nut and remove the rod in order to take off your damper plate.

Clean, Clean, Clean

Next, clean all of the damper parts and keep your eye out for any signs of corrosion.

Change the Damper Plate

Once everything has been cleaned and you are sure there is no damaged parts, you can replace the damper plate by putting the rod and nut back in place and ensuring they are correctly aligned and secure.

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Chimney Damper Replacements by the Pros

While you can repair or replace the chimney damper plate yourself, the job can get pretty messy. It’s recommended to hire a professional for any repairs to your fireplace or chimney, including damper replacements.

Hudson Valley Chimney Offers damper repairs and replacements from a team of experienced chimney experts who can successfully identify, clean and replace a broken or missing chimney damper and return your fireplace to its former safe and cozy glory. Contact us online or call 845-471-1071 to schedule your appointment!

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