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Does Your Hearth Area Need a Fireplace Screen?

Fireplace screens have been popular for decades because of the multiple jobs they do. Hudson Valley Chimney of Poughkeepsie, NY, would like to share a little information about these versatile components to help you decide if one is right for your home.

Fireplace Screens and fireplace saftey in Hyde Park NYWhat is a fireplace screen?

A fireplace screen is typically made of metal or another nonflammable material. It’s designed to sit upright on its own in front of the fireplace. In the very early days, fireplace screens were little more than mesh barriers that weren’t particularly attractive. Today, fireplace screen manufacturers have come up with all kinds of fancy and tasteful designs, ranging from traditional to contemporary. More beauty in your fireplace area is one of the benefits of using a fireplace screen. But there are other reasons to consider bringing one home.

Fireplace screens block the sparks

When placed correctly, a good fireplace screen will block the majority of sparks and embers that sometimes fly out of fireplaces. Popping logs can create a mini-explosion and send fiery particles into your room. Wind blowing down the chimney can also put nearby items and furnishings at risk of fire damage.

A barrier for children and pets

Fireplace screens keep stuff from exiting the fireplace, and they also keep children and curious pets from getting too close to it. Whether you have an open-firebox wood fireplace or a gas model with fireplace doors, kids and pets can be injured if they explore too close to the fireplace. It’s important to mention that younger children who have yet to understand the dangers of fire should never be left unattended when the fireplace is in use.

More fireplace and chimney safety tips

Adding a fireplace screen will not only beautify your hearth area, but it will also reduce the chance of injuries and damage to rugs, furnishings and other items in close proximity to the fireplace.

Safety is the main purpose of modern fireplace screens. Here are seven more ways to keep your fireplace and chimney safe.

Schedule annual chimney sweeping from a licensed chimney company to remove flammable creosote and obstructions from the flue.

Burn only firewood in your fireplace. Items such as clothing, pressed board, cardboard, plastic, metal and magazines can damage your fireplace by burning too hot. They can also release toxic gases into the air.

Have your fireplace and chimney inspected once a year by a professional chimney technician.

Never add a new appliance (such as a fireplace that uses a different fuel or a fireplace insert) to your existing chimney without scheduling a proper Level 2 chimney inspection.

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Be aware of chimney fires. Signs include tapping sounds, rumbling noises and excess dark smoke leaving either end of the fireplace. Call 911 and get everyone out of the house if you notice these signs.

Call your chimney company if you notice damp sections on the walls or ceiling near the fireplace or if you see water dripping into the firebox. There may be a chimney leak that needs to be addressed quickly before major damage happens.

Finally, never leave the house while the fireplace is operating.

Safety and performance for your fireplace and chimney

Since 1976, Hudson Valley Chimney has helped our customers keep their fireplaces and chimneys safe and performing at peak. We can help you, too. Reach us by phone at (845) 471-1071 or get in touch with our contact form.

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