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What Type Of Wood Are You Burning?

Firewood is firewood right? Well, yes, but did you know that there are many different types and they all burn very differently. This is important information as a homeowner as some burn clean and create for a great, cozy fireplace. Whereas, some firewood burns dirty, smoky, and leaves a lingering mark long after the fire has gone out.

Key Firewood Qualities

Before we get into the best type of wood out there to burn in your home’s fireplace, there are a few critical things to consider. When choosing firewood, make sure to account for the following:

  1. All firewood must be dry and seasoned. What does this mean? Simply, it means that the cut wood has dried out – this means there’s no sap or water. It usually takes time but the wood is ready when it’s lighter, dry, and slightly grey in color. Why is this important? Dry, seasoned wood burns hotter and cleaner.
  2. Avoid painted or stained wood. This can lead to potentially toxic byproduct and smoke emitted into your home. Not ideal or pleasant and should be avoided.
  3. Consider storage. Ever seen a stack of wood sitting outside uncovered? This is a breeding ground for growth, critters, and wet wood. Ventilation is critical to keep your firewood clean and ready to go.

Selecting the Best Firewood

It’s possible that we cut down a tree or debris and decide that wood is as good as any to burn. But that’s not always the case. Aside from the points brought up above, it’s also important to consider the type of wood. While most wood will catch, moist oily or softer woods can lead to an excess buildup of creosote inside your chimney. This is highly flammable and comes with an unpleasant smell if neglected.

So, because of this, it’s best to opt for hardwood for home fires. Below are the three woods considered to be the best:

  1. Oak – slow burning, clean, and hot. All of the qualities of a good fire. However, don’t skimp on seasoning this wood as it usually requires a year to dry out all the sap. Also, don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to ignite; that is typical.
  2. Maple – another star performing hardwood for fires. Maple is heavy and burns slow, but just like Oak, make sure to allow for time for the wood to season.
  3. Birch – also a high performing hardwood, however it does burn faster than the other two varieties listed above.

Wood burning fireplaces in Hyde Park NYWhile the variety of wood you choose doesn’t have to be hardwood, softwoods just require more thorough and frequent cleaning due to the byproduct buildup.

Need chimney help? Call Hudson Valley Chimney today

If you’ve realized from this article that you’re using wood that may require more frequent cleanings, you can call Hudson Valley chimney at any point. Our expert team can be reached at 845-471-1071. If you prefer, you can also fill out our simple contact form. Our trained and knowledgeable chimney team will be happy to discuss options and approaches for whatever you’re experiencing. Don’t wait until your chimney has too much damage or debris to easily clean as it can make issues worse.

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