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Wood vs. Gas Fireplaces: Pros and Cons

Nowadays there are several options for fireplaces. So even if you’re not a fan of splitting wood and frequent keep up, there are alternative options. One of the most popular alternative options is gas fireplaces. While they require substantially less work and maintenance, both options (traditional vs. gas) come with several pros and cons. 

Let’s take a closer look at those pros and cons of wood vs. gas fireplaces to see if either is a good fit for you. 

wood fireplace installations in Milton NYWood Fireplaces

Wood fireplaces are classic. They can add charm to any home and a crackling fire is loved by many. Having a wood fireplace comes with the main benefit of heating your home, but they also come with some pros and cons. 


  • The classic charm that wood-burning fireplaces have been known for. Heat, crackle, and smell make for a cozy home.
  • Several types of wood are available now – traditional wood logs or store-bought long-burning logs.
  • Still heats your home if the power goes out.


  • Needing material (whether wooden logs or synthetic logs) can get costly and time-consuming
  • Requires regular cleaning, maintenance, and safety precautions
  • Could be inefficient if not kept up with – maybe a draft if the damper doesn’t work as it should.
  • Maintenance can be a costly and timely commitment. Annual maintenance and inspection are best done by professionals.

Gas Fireplaces

Gas fireplaces are a great alternative to regular traditional fireplaces. They have grown in popularity as more options have become available. Cozy fires are still in the equation for homeowners, but now they don’t have to worry about keeping up with firewood and tending to the fire. However, just like the traditional fireplace, gas fireplaces also come with some pros and cons.

gas fireplace maintenance in fishkill ny


  • Usually comes with an on/off switch or level making it much easier to tend to than traditional fires. And, no firewood is needed.
  • They’re very efficient systems – you can easily heat different areas of your home depending on where you install them.
  • Less maintenance and no clean-up before or after any of your fires.
  • Increased safety, with little room for safety accidents.
  • Multiple design options allow you to keep the aesthetic of a masonry fireplace.


  • If it’s a completely new build, installing a gas fireplace can be expensive and may require installing a gas line.
  • While it’s close, it’s not completely authentic – you get the heat and a visual, but no smell (Which may be a pro for some people).

Are you ready to install a new fireplace?

If either of these options are appealing to you, it may be time to make the change and install one of these in your home. Make sure to call Hudson Valley Chimney at 845-471-1071 for professional and reliable chimney expert assistance. We can access current chimneys if you want to make a change or consult about how to approach a new addition to your home. 

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